The Road to Self
Discover how a deep connection to inner self can bring happiness to your personal life and your professional life as well.
“The Road to Self offers a sweet, succinct discussion on how to live a better, happier life. “–Kirkus Reviews

Moments Matter
Make the most of each moment with quotes designed to inspire and encourage.
“The positive tone of this little bit of inspiration is both joyful and undeniable. “–Kirkus Reviews
Praise for Road to Self
“John is a respected friend, successful entrepreneur and business executive who also has an excellent understanding of the human condition. A must read for anyone who has taken the journey or intends to.”
“John Goodman’s account of his self-searching journey is compelling reading for any business person who seeks work-life balance. As he says, ‘There are no limits in life except those we choose to put on ourselves.’”
“John Goodman has delivered an outstanding and dynamic read of his life’s journey, full of passion, decency and happiness. Through triumph and challenge, John has truly lived a life worth living, devoted to helping others and providing a beacon of hope to so many of his fellow travelers. We all can learn a lot from John Goodman’s fine example, positive attitude and dedication to goodness – aptly synonymous with his very good name.”
“From social to personal responsibilities, John exemplifies the new breed of soulful CEOs. His ‘Road to Self’ clearly describes how we can learn from others and learn from nature. John’s motives are clear: share the wisdom so everyone can prosper and thrive at work and on the road of life.”
“An inherently absorbing, thoughtful, thought-provoking, and candidly personal work, ‘The Road to Self: Reflections from a Soulful CEO’ is a very worthwhile and ultimately inspiring read that is very highly recommended for personal and community library collections.”
“With this book, John Goodman is not only sharing his insights as a successful CEO and entrepreneur, he is sharing his personal journey. Leadership is a learned quality, and with John’s thoughtful advice, anyone can take charge of their life, let go of negativity and begin living the life they truly want and deserve.”
“Through his candid journey of lessons discovered in life and work, John gives us the gift to readily apply them to our own lives. Like any long expedition, the lessons are timeless and invaluable and can guide us to realizing our wildest aspirations.”
“To know John Goodman is to love him. He is seen by those who know him as one of the kindest and most generous beings on the planet. In this book he openly explores his personal challenges in the hope that lessons learned will help others to chart a course for a brighter, more successful future. There are times in all our lives, when the forces around us seem too overwhelming—whether it be financial circumstances or health. John offers a simple prescription for those moments—that there is an incredible human capacity to both heal thyself and to intuitively know the right path, if you just choose to listen. Though not adhering to traditional religious precepts, John offers a guide to success and happiness that focuses heavily on love and faith. Qualities that are within the reach of each and every one of us. “
“John Goodman’s book, ‘The Road to Self’, is an amazing journey on the lessons of life with incredible analogies to life in every chapter. What John shares in great undertones is that everyone must work at giving back. He is one of the most generous and philanthropic people I have ever met and I have learned many life lessons from him, most importantly to live in the moment and trust in the universe. This is a must read for anyone.“
“Few, who have attained the measure of success that John Goodman has, share their own bumpy road of life that we all experience. That makes ‘The Road to Self’ particularly important. Those who read it will get new energy and understanding of life ahead.”
“A marvelous peek into the life of a Minnesota grown boy and CEO, John B. Goodman whom I’ve known for 26 years. He strips away the myths and falsehoods of that title and reveals himself the charismatic man who has more depth, dimension and humanity than anyone I’ve ever known. This is an unexpectedly fresh and immensely moving portrait of the man, John B. Goodman. This is the kind of book you pick up intending to read only a couple of pages, and half a day later you find you’ve consumed the whole thing. “
“John Goodman’s ‘The Road to Self’ is an easy read with so many wonderful messages, lessons, and introspections.”
John Goodman has been a loyal friend of mine for close to 25 years. I met him in 1990 when I joined First Bank System in Minnesota. John, his father and their companies were long time customers of FBS. Their businesses are very successful and one of the premier, privately held operations in Minnesota.
John is honest, loyal, generous, thoughtful and kind as was his Father Sid, first-class in every respect. He helps everyone without them asking. The world is a better place because of him. I am proud to call him a great friend and feel lucky to know him.